Thursday, July 28, 2005

Join a Bigfoot Expedition.

For those of you out there who want to do more than just read about Bigfoot on the Internet or watch something about it on TV, then here's your chance.

The Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization allows people to join them on various expeditions throughout the US.

There is a fee involved, but the price can be lowered by bringing your own transportation, food, lodging (tents, sleeping bags etc.) and equipment. All of the details on are the site, linked above.

I just recently discovered this and thought it was really kind of cool that people like you and me can join them in these expeditions. Of course, anyone can go out looking for Bigfoot, but who would want to do that alone? Not me.

So, if you are interested check out the site and sign up. If you do go on an expedition and want to report your trip, let me know in the comments section and I can start posting some of stories from your expeditions.

Who knows, I may go on one myself soon.

Comments on "Join a Bigfoot Expedition."


Blogger dbdonlon said ... (6:23 PM) : 

I've been on two, but I'm a member of the BFRO. I'm not supposed to divulge anything important, but I can say that each one has been a whole lot of fun. I'll probably be going on two more in the next six months.


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