Monday, October 17, 2005

Bigfoot Conference News

Well, I am sure that most of you know of the highly publicized Texas Bigfoot Conference over the weekend. The story has been in most news papers and on TV as well.

From all appearances, the conference was a huge success.

One of the biggest, if not the biggest stories from the conference is Loren Coleman's $1 million bounty.

All of the details have not been announced yet, but it appears that the bounty will be paid by a company(not named at this time) for photographic evidence that leads to the safe capture of Bigfoot, Yeti or the Loch Ness Monster. More details will be revealed at the Bates College Symposium on the weekend of Halloween.

This is an exciting time for Cryptozoology. We all know how great it would be if this reward led to the capture of one of these creatures. I just hope that if there is a capture, these creatures will be protected and not exploited. It would be a travesty to watch as these creatures were wiped from the earth not long after they were discovered.

All in all though, I do hope something comes of this.

Stay tuned for more news!

Comments on "Bigfoot Conference News"


Blogger xkrakenx said ... (8:43 AM) : 

I do agree that the discovery of a large unknown primate in the US would probably be destructive to the species due to all of the curious people who would go out looking for them.

However, that does not mean we shouldn't look for these creatures.


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